
This chapter contains three short tutorials intended to familiarize you with the basics of MySQL Workbench. These tutorials show how MySQL Workbench can be used both to design and to document databases.

Creating a database from scratch is the focus of Section 9.3.4, “Using the Default Schema” and exploring the graphic design capabilities of MySQL Workbench is touched upon in Section 9.3.2, “Basic Modeling”. Both these tutorials show the database design capabilities of MySQL Workbench.

Importing an SQL data definition script is probably the quickest way to familiarize yourself with MySQL Workbench—this tutorial makes use of the sakila database and emphasizes the use of MySQL Workbench as a documentation tool. Examples taken from the sakila database are used throughout the documentation, so this installation procedure is recommended.

9.3.1 Creating a Model

This section provides a tutorial introduction to MySQL models by showing you how to create a new database model, and how to forward engineer a model to a live MySQL server.


Alternatively, you can create a model from a database by using the reverse engineering wizard. For additional information, see Section, “Reverse Engineering a Live Database”.

  1. Start MySQL Workbench. On the Home window, click the [+] icon next to the Models section on the bottom of the page, or select File, New Model. A model can contain multiple schemata. Note that when you create a new model, it contains the mydb schema by default. You can change the name of this schema to serve your own purposes, or delete it.

    Figure 9.16 Getting Started Tutorial - Home Window

    Getting Started Tutorial - Home Window
  2. Click the + button on the right side of the Physical Schemata toolbar to add a new schema. The default schema name is “new_schema1”, now change it to “dvd_collection” by modifying its Name field. Confirm this change in the Physical Schemata panel. Now you are ready to add a table.

    Figure 9.17 Getting Started Tutorial - New Schema

    Getting Started Tutorial - New Schema
  3. Double-click Add Table in the Physical Schemata section.

  4. This automatically loads the table editor with the default table name table1. Edit its Table Name field and change the table name from “table1” to “movies”.

  5. Next, add columns to your table. Double-click a Column Name cell, and the first field defaults to “moviesid” because (by default) MySQL Workbench appends “id” to the table name for the initial field. Change “moviesid” to “movie_id” and keep the Datatype as INT, and also select the PK (PRIMARY KEY), NN (NOT NULL), and AI (AUTO_INCREMENT) check boxes.

  6. Add two additional columns using the same method as described above:

    Column Name Data Type Column Properties
    movie_title VARCHAR(45) NN
    release_date DATE (YYYY-MM-DD) None

    Figure 9.18 Getting Started Tutorial - Editing table columns

    Getting Started Tutorial - Editing table columns
  7. For a visual representation (EER diagram) of this schema, select Model, Create Diagram from Catalog Objects to create the EER Diagram for the model.

    Figure 9.19 Getting Started Tutorial - EER Diagram

    Getting Started Tutorial - EER Diagram
  8. In the table editor, change the name of the column “movie_title” to “title”. Note that the EER Diagram is automatically updated to reflect this change.


    To open the table editor, either change back to the MySQL Model tab and right-click on the movies table, or right-click on movies in the EER diagram and select an Edit ‘movies’ option.

  9. Save the model by choosing File, Save Model from the main menu, or click Save Model to Current File on the toolbar. Enter a model name at the file prompt. For this tutorial, enter “Home_Media” and then Save the model.

  10. Before synchronizing your new model with the live MySQL server, confirm that you already created a MySQL connection. This tutorial assumes you followed the previous Section 5.2, “Creating A New MySQL Connection (Tutorial)” tutorial to create a MySQL connection named MyFirstConnection, although an alternative connection can also work.

  11. Now forward engineer your model to the live MySQL server. Select Database, Forward Engineer… from the main menu to open the Forward Engineer to Database wizard.

  12. The Connection Options page selects the MySQL connection and optionally sets additional options for the selected MySQL connection. We do not require connection changes so click Next.


    You may decided to choose a different MySQL connection here, but this tutorial uses MyFirstConnection.

  13. The Options page lists optional advanced options. For this tutorial, you can ignore these and click Next.

    Figure 9.20 Getting Started Tutorial - Options

    Getting Started Tutorial - Options
  14. Select an object to export to the live MySQL server. In this case, we only have one table (dvd_collection), so select dvd_collection and click Next.

    Figure 9.21 Getting Started Tutorial - Select Objects

    Getting Started Tutorial - Select Objects
  15. The Review SQL Script page displays the SQL script that will be executed on the live server to create your schema. Review the script to make sure that you understand the operations that will be carried out.

    Click Next to execute the Forward Engineering process.

    Figure 9.22 Getting Started Tutorial - Review SQL Script

    Getting Started Tutorial - Review SQL Script
  16. The Commit Progress page confirms that each step was executed. Click Show Logs to view the logs. If no errors are present, click Close to close the wizard.

  17. The new dvd_collection database is now present on the MySQL server. Confirm this by opening the MySQL connection and viewing the schema list, or by executing SHOW DATABASES from the MySQL Command Line Client (mysql).

  18. Ensure that your model is saved. Click Save Model to Current File on the main toolbar.

For additional information about data modeling, see Chapter 9, Database Design / Modeling.

9.3.2 Basic Modeling

On the MySQL Model page, double-click the Add Diagram icon. This creates and opens a new EER Diagram canvas.

Figure 9.23 Adding an EER Diagram

Adding an EER Diagram

From an EER diagram page you can graphically design a database. Adding a Table

The tools in the vertical toolbar on the left of the EER Diagram tab are used for designing an EER diagram. Start by creating a table using the table tool. The table tool is the rectangular grid in the middle of the vertical toolbar. Mousing over it shows the message, Place a New Table (T).

Clicking this tool changes the mouse pointer to a hand with a rectangular grid. Create a table on the canvas by clicking anywhere on the EER Diagram grid.

Right-click the table and choose Edit in New Window from the pop-up menu. This opens the table editor, docked at the bottom of the application.

The table name defaults to table1. Change the name by entering invoice into the Name: field. Changes here affect the name of the tab in the table editor and the name of the table on the canvas.

Pressing Tab or Enter while the cursor is in the table name field selects the Columns tab of the table editor and creates a default column named idinvoice.

Pressing Tab or Enter again sets the focus on the Datatype list with INT selected. Notice that a field has been added to the table on the EER canvas.

Pressing Tab yet again and the focus shifts to adding a second column. Add a Description and a Customer_id column. When you are finished, close the table editor, by clicking the x button on the top left of the table editor. Creating a Foreign Key

Select the table tool again and place another table on the canvas. Name this table invoice_item. Next click the 1:n Non-Identifying Relationship tool.

First, click the invoice_item table; notice that a red border indicates that this table is selected. Next, click the invoice table. This creates a foreign key in the invoice_item table, the table on the “many” side of the relationship. This relationship between the two tables is shown graphically in crow’s foot notation.

Revert to the default mouse pointer by clicking the arrow at the top of the vertical toolbar. Click on the invoice_item table and select the Foreign keys tab.

Click the Foreign key Name field. The referenced table should show in the Referenced Table column and the appropriate column in the Referenced Column column.

To delete the relationship between two tables, click the line joining the tables and then press Control+Delete.

Experiment with the other tools on the vertical toolbar. Delete a relationship by selecting the eraser tool and clicking the line joining two tables. Create a view, add a text object, or add a layer.

Save your changes to a MySQL Workbench Models file (mwb extension) by choosing Save from the File menu or by using the keyboard command Control+S.

9.3.3 Importing a Data Definition SQL Script

For this tutorial, use the sakila database script, which you can find by visiting the page, selecting the Other Docs tab, and looking in the Example Databases section

After downloading the file, extract it to a convenient location. Open MySQL Workbench and find the Reverse Engineer MySQL Create Script menu item by first choosing File and then Import. Find and import the sakila-schema.sql file. This is the script that contains the data definition statements for the sakila database. The file filter for the file open dialog window defaults to *.sql so you should be able to view only files with the sql extension.

If the file was successfully imported, the application’s status bar reads, Import MySQL Create Script done. To view the newly imported script, expand the Physical Schemata section by double-clicking the arrow on the left of the Physical Schemata title bar. Select the tab labeled sakila.

You may also wish to remove the default schema tab, mydb. Select this tab, then click the - button on the upper right in the Physical Schemata panel.

To view all the objects in the sakila schema, you may need to expand the Physical Schemata window. Move the mouse pointer anywhere over the gray area that defines the lower edge of the Physical Schemata window. Hold down the right mouse button and move the mouse to adjust the size of the window.

After you have expanded the window, all the objects in the sakila database should be visible. Tables appear at the top followed by views and then routines. There are no routine groups in this schema, but you should see the Routine Groups section and an Add Group icon.

For a complete description of importing a MySQL create script, see Section, “Reverse Engineering Using a Create Script”. Adding an EER Diagram

To create an EER diagram for the sakila database, first add an EER diagram by double-clicking the Add Diagram icon in the EER Diagrams panel to create and open a new EER Diagram editor.

The EER Diagram canvas is where object modeling takes place. To add a table to the canvas, select the Catalog tab in the middle panel on the right side of the application to display any schemata that appear in the MySQL Model tab. Find the sakila schema and expand the view of its objects by clicking the + button to the left of the schema name. Expand the tables list in the same way.

You can add tables to the EER canvas by dragging them from the Catalog panel dropping them onto the canvas. Drop the address table and the city table onto the canvas.

Figure 9.24 Adding Tables to the Canvas

Adding tables to the canvas

MySQL Workbench automatically discovers that address.city_id has been defined as a foreign key referencing the city.city_id field. Drop the country table onto the canvas and immediately you should see the relationship between the country table and the city table. (To view all the relationships in the sakila database, see Figure 9.29, “The sakila Database EER Diagram”.)

Click the Properties tab of the panel on the lower left, then click one of the tables on the canvas. This displays the properties of the table in the Properties window. While a table is selected, you can use the Properties window to change a table’s properties. For example, entering #FF0000 for the color value will change the color accent to red.

Figure 9.25 Viewing The Properties

Viewing The Properties

Changing the color of a table is a good way to identify a table quickly—something that becomes more important as the number of tables increases. Changing the color of a table is also an easy way to identify a table in the Model Navigator panel. This panel, the uppermost panel on the left side of the page, gives a bird’s eye view of the entire EER canvas.

Save your changes to a MySQL Workbench Models file (mwb extension) by choosing Save from the File menu or by using the keyboard command Control + S.

9.3.4 Using the Default Schema

When you first open MySQL Workbench a default schema, mydb appears as the leftmost tab of the Physical Schemata section of MySQL Workbench. You can begin designing a database by using this default schema.

Figure 9.26 The Default Schema

The default schema

To change the name of the default schema, double-click the schema tab. This opens a schema editor window docked at the bottom of the application. To undock or redock this window, double-click anywhere in the editor title bar.

To rename the schema, use the field labeled Name. After you have renamed the schema, a lightning bolt icon appears right aligned in the Name field, indicating that other changes are pending. Click the Comments field and a dialog box opens asking if you wish to rename all schema occurrences. Clicking Yes ensures that your changes are propagated throughout the application. Add comments to the database and change the collation if you wish. Close the schema editor by clicking the x button. Creating a New Table

Create a new table by double-clicking the Add Table icon in the Physical Schemata panel. This opens the table editor docked at the bottom of the application. If you wish, you can undock or dock this editor in exactly the same way as the schema editor window.

Figure 9.27 Model: Creating A New Table

Model: Creating A New Table

Initially, the table name defaults to ‘table1’ in the table editor. The following screenshot describes the available actions:

Figure 9.28 Model: Editing Table Values

Model: Editing Table Values

In our example above, columns were added using the Columns tab. Clicking an empty row will add a new column, and clicking an existing column starts edit mode. Click the Tab key to move to the next column and set the column’s data type.

Altering the table by adding indexes or other features is also possible using the table editor by clicking each tab within the table editor. Creating Other Schema Objects

Additional objects such as views or routines can be added in the same way as tables.

Objects are listed under the Catalog palette on the right. To view these schema objects, select the Catalog tab in the middle palette on the right. View all the objects by clicking the + button to the left of the schema name.

Save your changes to a MySQL Workbench Models file (mwb extension) by choosing Save from the File menu or by using the keyboard command Control+S.

9.3.5 Documenting the sakila Database

This chapter highlights the capabilities of MySQL Workbench as a documentation tool using the sakila database as an example. This is a sample database provided by MySQL that you can find by visiting the page, selecting the Other Docs tab, and looking in the Example Databases section

An EER diagram provides a quick overview and understanding of a database. Rather than reading through table definition statements, a quick glance at an EER diagram indicates how tables are related.

You can also see how tables are related; what the foreign keys are and what the nature of the relationship is. A PNG File of the sakila Database

Find following an EER diagram showing all the tables in the sakila database. This image was created using the File, Export, Export as PNG… menu item.

Figure 9.29 The sakila Database EER Diagram

The sakila Database EER diagram

The object notation style used in Figure 9.29, “The sakila Database EER Diagram” is Workbench (PKs only). This notation shows only primary keys and no other columns, which is especially useful where space is at a premium. The relationship notation is the default, Crow’s Foot.

As the connection lines show, each table is related to at least one other table in the database (with the exception of the film_text table). Some tables have two foreign keys that relate to the same table. For example the film table has two foreign keys that relate to the language table, namely fk_film_language_original and fk_film_language. Where more than one relationship exists between two tables, the connection lines run concurrently.

Identifying and nonidentifying relationships are indicated by solid and broken lines respectively. For example, the foreign key category_id is part of the primary key in the film_category table so its relationship to the category table is drawn with a solid line. On the other hand, in the city table, the foreign key, country_id, is not part of the primary key so the connection uses a broken line.